Aokp System Animation For LP/MM

1. Decompile framework-res.apk
copy and paste ingredients into place

add the following lines
<string name="animation_fade">Fade</string>
    <string name="animation_slide_right">Slide in right</string>
    <string name="animation_slide_left">Slide in left</string>
    <string name="animation_slide_right_no_fade">Slide in right (No fade)</string>
    <string name="animation_slide_left_no_fade">Slide in left (No fade)</string>
    <string name="animation_slide_up">Slide in bottom</string>
    <string name="animation_slide_down">Slide in top</string>
    <string name="animation_default">Default</string>
    <string name="animation_translucent">Translucent</string>
    <string name="animation_grow_shrink">Grow in (Top)</string>
    <string name="animation_grow_shrink_center">Grow in (Center)</string>
    <string name="animation_grow_shrink_bottom">Grow in (Bottom)</string>
    <string name="animation_grow_shrink_left">Grow in (Left)</string>
    <string name="animation_grow_shrink_right">Grow in (Right)</string>
<string name="action_null">Blank</string>
Recompile-Decompile again..
open public.xml, and leave it opened
2. Decompile framework.jar
copy and paste ingredients into place

-copy and paste the line below
.field public static final ACTIVITY_ANIMATION_CONTROLS:[Ljava/lang/String; 
-right above
.field public static final ADB_ENABLED:Ljava/lang/String; = "adb_enabled"

-copy and paste the lines below
.field public static final ANIMATION_CONTROLS_DURATION:Ljava/lang/String; = "animation_controls_duration"

.field public static final ANIMATION_CONTROLS_EXIT_ONLY:Ljava/lang/String; = "animation_controls_exit_only"

.field public static final ANIMATION_CONTROLS_NO_OVERRIDE:Ljava/lang/String; = "animation_controls_no_override"

.field public static final ANIMATION_CONTROLS_REVERSE_EXIT:Ljava/lang/String; = "animation_controls_reverse_exit"

-right above
.field public static final ANIMATOR_DURATION_SCALE:Ljava/lang/String; = "animator_duration_scale"
-copy and paste the line below
.line 3994
    const/16 v4, 0xb

    new-array v4, v4, [Ljava/lang/String;

    const-string v5, "activity_open"

    aput-object v5, v4, v9

    const-string v5, "activity_close"

    aput-object v5, v4, v10

    const-string v5, "task_open"

    aput-object v5, v4, v11

    const-string v5, "task_close"

    aput-object v5, v4, v12

    const-string v5, "task_to_front"

    aput-object v5, v4, v13

    const/4 v5, 0x5

    const-string v6, "task_to_back"

    aput-object v6, v4, v5

    const/4 v5, 0x6

    const-string v6, "wallpaper_open"

    aput-object v6, v4, v5

    const/4 v5, 0x7

    const-string v6, "wallpaper_close"

    aput-object v6, v4, v5

    const/16 v5, 0x8

    const-string v6, "wallpaper_intra_open"

    aput-object v6, v4, v5

    const/16 v5, 0x9

    const-string v6, "wallpaper_intra_close"

    aput-object v6, v4, v5

    const/16 v5, 0xa

    const-string v6, "task_open_behind"

    aput-object v6, v4, v5

    sput-object v4, Landroid/provider/Settings$System;->ACTIVITY_ANIMATION_CONTROLS:[Ljava/lang/String;

sput-object v4, Landroid/provider/Settings$System;->DEFAULT_ALARM_ALERT_URI:Landroid/net/Uri;

Replace id below conform with public.xml framework-res.apk

Line 93 :     const v1, 0x10a0088    * type="anim" name="slow_fade_out"
Line 98 :     const v1, 0x10a0087    * type="anim" name="slow_fade_in"
Line 106:     const v1, 0x10a0085    * type="anim" name="slide_out_right_ribbon"
Line 111:     const v1, 0x10a007b    * type="anim" name="slide_in_right_ribbon"
Line 119:     const v1, 0x10a0082    * type="anim" name="slide_out_left_ribbon"
Line 124:     const v1, 0x10a0077    * type="anim" name="slide_in_left_ribbon"
Line 132:     const v1, 0x10a007f    * type="anim" name="slide_out_down_ribbon"
Line 137:     const v1, 0x10a007d    * type="anim" name="slide_in_up_ribbon"
Line 145:     const v1, 0x10a0086    * type="anim" name="slide_out_up"
Line 150:     const v1, 0x10a0075    * type="anim" name="slide_in_down"
Line 158:     const v1, 0x10a0084    * type="anim" name="slide_out_right_no_fade"
Line 163:     const v1, 0x10a007a    * type="anim" name="slide_in_right_no_fade"
Line 171:     const v1, 0x10a0081    * type="anim" name="slide_out_left_no_fade"
Line 176:     const v1, 0x10a0076    * type="anim" name="slide_in_left_no_fade"
Line 184:     const v1, 0x10a009b    * type="anim" name="translucent_exit_ribbon"
Line 189:     const v1, 0x10a0098    * type="anim" name="translucent_enter_ribbon"
Line 197:     const v1, 0x10a0072    * type="anim" name="shrink_fade_out_ribbon"
Line 202:     const v1, 0x10a0026    * type="anim" name="grow_fade_in_ribbon"
Line 210:     const v1, 0x10a006e    * type="anim" name="shrink_fade_out_center_ribbon"
Line 215:     const v1, 0x10a0022    * type="anim" name="grow_fade_in_center_ribbon"
Line 223:     const v1, 0x10a0071    * type="anim" name="shrink_fade_out_left_ribbon"
Line 228:     const v1, 0x10a0025    * type="anim" name="grow_fade_in_left_ribbon"
Line 236:     const v1, 0x10a0073    * type="anim" name="shrink_fade_out_right_ribbon"
Line 241:     const v1, 0x10a0027    * type="anim" name="grow_fade_in_right_ribbon"
Line 249:     const v1, 0x10a0070    * type="anim" name="shrink_fade_out_from_bottom_ribbon"
Line 254:     const v1, 0x10a0024    * type="anim" name="grow_fade_in_from_bottom_ribbon"
Line 475:     const v2, 0x10407ce    * type="string" name="action_null"
Line 487:     const v2, 0x10407c7    * type="string" name="animation_default"
Line 498:     const v2, 0x10407c0    * type="string" name="animation_fade"
Line 509:     const v2, 0x10407c1    * type="string" name="animation_slide_right"
Line 520:     const v2, 0x10407c3    * type="string" name="animation_slide_right_no_fade"
Line 531:     const v2, 0x10407c2    * type="string" name="animation_slide_left"
Line 542:     const v2, 0x10407c5    * type="string" name="animation_slide_up"
Line 553:     const v2, 0x10407c6    * type="string" name="animation_slide_down"
Line 564:     const v2, 0x10407c4    * type="string" name="animation_slide_left_no_fade"
Line 575:     const v2, 0x10407c8    * type="string" name="animation_translucent"
Line 586:     const v2, 0x10407cb    * type="string" name="animation_grow_shrink_bottom"
Line 597:     const v2, 0x10407ca    * type="string" name="animation_grow_shrink_center"
Line 608:     const v2, 0x10407cc    * type="string" name="animation_grow_shrink_left"
Line 619:     const v2, 0x10407cd    * type="string" name="animation_grow_shrink_right"
Line 630:     const v2, 0x10407c9    * type="string" name="animation_grow_shrink"
Line 668:     const v3, 0x10a0071    * type="anim" name="shrink_fade_out_left_ribbon"
Line 670:     const v1, 0x10a0070    * type="anim" name="shrink_fade_out_from_bottom_ribbon"
Line 672:     const v2, 0x10a003b    * type="anim" name="no_animation"
Line 707:     const v1, 0x10a0087    * type="anim" name="slow_fade_in"
Line 715:     const v1, 0x10a0088    * type="anim" name="slow_fade_out"
Line 723:     const v1, 0x10a0082    * type="anim" name="slide_out_left_ribbon"
Line 729:     const v1, 0x10a007b    * type="anim" name="slide_in_right_ribbon"
Line 737:     const v1, 0x10a0085    * type="anim" name="slide_out_right_ribbon"
Line 745:     const v1, 0x10a0085    * type="anim" name="slide_out_right_ribbon"
Line 751:     const v1, 0x10a0077    * type="anim" name="slide_in_left_ribbon"
Line 759:     const v1, 0x10a0082    * type="anim" name="slide_out_left_ribbon"
Line 767:     const v1, 0x10a0086    * type="anim" name="slide_out_up"
Line 773:     const v1, 0x10a007d    * type="anim" name="slide_in_up_ribbon"
Line 781:     const v1, 0x10a007f    * type="anim" name="slide_out_down_ribbon"
Line 789:     const v1, 0x10a007f    * type="anim" name="slide_out_down_ribbon"
Line 795:     const v1, 0x10a0075    * type="anim" name="slide_in_down"
Line 803:     const v1, 0x10a0086    * type="anim" name="slide_out_up"
Line 811:     const v1, 0x10a0081    * type="anim" name="slide_out_left_no_fade"
Line 817:     const v1, 0x10a007a    * type="anim" name="slide_in_right_no_fade"
Line 825:     const v1, 0x10a0084    * type="anim" name="slide_out_right_no_fade"
Line 833:     const v1, 0x10a0084    * type="anim" name="slide_out_right_no_fade"
Line 839:     const v1, 0x10a0076    * type="anim" name="slide_in_left_no_fade"
Line 847:     const v1, 0x10a0081    * type="anim" name="slide_out_left_no_fade"
Line 855:     const v1, 0x10a009a    * type="anim" name="translucent_exit_left"
Line 861:     const v1, 0x10a0098    * type="anim" name="translucent_enter_ribbon"
Line 869:     const v1, 0x10a009b    * type="anim" name="translucent_exit_ribbon"
Line 881:     const v1, 0x10a0026    * type="anim" name="grow_fade_in_ribbon"
Line 889:     const v1, 0x10a0072    * type="anim" name="shrink_fade_out_ribbon"
Line 903:     const v1, 0x10a0022    * type="anim" name="grow_fade_in_center_ribbon"
Line 911:     const v1, 0x10a006e    * type="anim" name="shrink_fade_out_center_ribbon"
Line 919:     const v1, 0x10a0073    * type="anim" name="shrink_fade_out_right_ribbon"
Line 925:     const v1, 0x10a0025    * type="anim" name="grow_fade_in_left_ribbon"
Line 945:     const v1, 0x10a0027    * type="anim" name="grow_fade_in_right_ribbon"
Line 953:     const v3, 0x10a0073    * type="anim" name="shrink_fade_out_right_ribbon"
Line 961:     const v1, 0x10a0072    * type="anim" name="shrink_fade_out_ribbon"
Line 967:     const v1, 0x10a0024    * type="anim" name="grow_fade_in_from_bottom_ribbon"

3.Decompile services.jar
copy and paste ingredients into place
Replace id below conform with public.xml framework-res.apk

Line 244 :     const/high16 v1, 0x10e0000    * type="integer" name="config_shortAnimTime"
Line 253 :     const v0, 0x10c0003    * type="interpolator" name="decelerate_cubic"
Line 262 :     const v0, 0x10c000d    * type="interpolator" name="fast_out_slow_in"
Line 3509:     const v6, 0x10a009e    * type="anim" name="voice_activity_open_enter"
Line 3528:     const v6, 0x10a009f    * type="anim" name="voice_activity_open_exit"
Line 3558:     const v6, 0x10a009c    * type="anim" name="voice_activity_close_enter"
Line 3574:     const v6, 0x10a009d    * type="anim" name="voice_activity_close_exit"

copy and paste ingredients into place

-Add Line
<PreferenceScreen android:title="@string/aokp_animation_title" android:key="aokp_animation" android:summary="@string/aokp_animation_summary" android:fragment="" />


add the following lines
<string name="aokp_animation_title">System animations</string>
    <string name="aokp_animation_summary">AOKP custom animation</string>
<string name="title_animation_no_override">Prevent App Overrides</string>
<string name="summary_animation_no_override">Prevent apps from overriding transitions.</string>
<string name="animation_exit_only_title">Enter only animation</string>
    <string name="animation_reverse_exit_title">Reverse exit animation</string>
<string name="activity_open_title">Activity open animation</string>
    <string name="activity_close_title">Activity close animation</string>
<string name="task_open_title">Task open animation</string>
    <string name="task_close_title">Task close animation</string>
    <string name="task_move_to_front_title">Move to front animation</string>
    <string name="task_move_to_back_title">Move to back animation</string>
    <string name="wallpaper_open_title">Wallpaper open animation</string>
    <string name="wallpaper_close_title">Wallpaper close animation</string>
    <string name="wallpaper_intra_open_title">Wallpaper intra open animation</string>
    <string name="wallpaper_intra_close_title">Wallpaper intra close animation</string>
    <string name="task_open_behind_title">Task open behind animation</string>
    <string name="animation_duration_title">Animation duration</string>
    <string name="animation_duration_default">Default</string>
add the following lines
<item type="id" name="monitor_box">false</item>
    <item type="id" name="seek_bar">false</item>

-copy and paste the line below
.field protected mContext:Landroid/content/Context;

-right below
.field private mContentResolver:Landroid/content/ContentResolver; 


-copy and paste this line

.field protected mContentRes:Landroid/content/ContentResolver;

-right below
# instance fields

-copy and paste this lines
.method public setTitle(I)V
    .locals 1
    .param p1, "resId"    # I

    .line 526
    invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/SettingsPreferenceFragment;->getActivity()Landroid/app/Activity;

    move-result-object v0

    invoke-virtual {v0, p1}, Landroid/app/Activity;->setTitle(I)V

    .line 527
.end method

-right below
.method protected showDialog(I)V


-copy and paste this lines
.line 93
    invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/SettingsPreferenceFragment;->getActivity()Landroid/app/Activity;

    move-result-object v1

    invoke-virtual {v1}, Landroid/app/Activity;->getApplicationContext()Landroid/content/Context;

    move-result-object v1

    iput-object v1, p0, Lcom/android/settings/SettingsPreferenceFragment;->mContext:Landroid/content/Context;

    .line 95
    invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/android/settings/SettingsPreferenceFragment;->getActivity()Landroid/app/Activity;

    move-result-object v1

    invoke-virtual {v1}, Landroid/app/Activity;->getContentResolver()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;

    move-result-object v1

    iput-object v1, p0, Lcom/android/settings/SettingsPreferenceFragment;->mContentRes:Landroid/content/ContentResolver;

-right below
 invoke-super {p0, p1}, Landroid/preference/PreferenceFragment;->onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V

Replace id below conform with public.xml
Line 263:     const v5, 0x7f090fb2    * type="string" name="aokp_animation_title"
Line 268:     const v5, 0x7f060006    * type="xml" name="aicp_aokp_animation_controls"
Line 80 :     const v2, 0x7f040107    * type="layout" name="slider_preference"
Line 90 :     const v1, 0x7f100260    * type="id" name="monitor_box"
Line 101:     const v1, 0x7f100261    * type="id" name="seek_bar"
Line 223:     const v2, 0x7f090fc0    * type="string" name="animation_duration_default"


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